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Monday, November 7, 2011

Santa Banta : ford & oxford

Banta Santa se: What's Ford?
Santa Banta se: Gaadi.
Banta Santa se: What's Oxford?
Santa Banta se: So simple, Bail Gaadi

Santa & Banta in african safari...

Santa and Banta were on an African Safari when a lion sprang out of nowhere & draged Banta with his jaws. Santa Banta se: Shoot him, Shoot him!
Santa Banta se: I can't. I ran out of film.

Santa with Banta: lolzz

Banta Santa se: U tell a man something, it goes in one ear & comes out of the other.
Santa Banta se: U tell a woman something, it goes in both ears & comes out of the mouth.

Santa Banta & dog

Santa Banta se: My mother-in-law was bitten by a mad dog!
Banta Santa se: Oh! Thats terrible.
Santa Banta se: Yes, it was sad to watch the dog die in convulsions."

Santa at his exams...

Q: Why was Santa writing the exam near the door?
A: Because it was an entrance exam.

Santa at his exams...

Q: Why was Santa writing the exam near the door?
A: Because it was an entrance exam.